039 A King After God's Own Heart

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39: A King After God's Own Heart

6th February 2022 at 1:02pm

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1 Samuel 17

Philistines camp makes a large horseshoe

Saul and army have been facing the Philistines for 40 days. This is testing (number 4). So God has tested them to reveal what's in their hearts and what they find is fear.


Saul and company have camped for 40 days and done nothing

David shows up a few hours and is ready to go do something - he'll stand up for Yahweh to Goliath's defiance.

David calls Goliath the "uncircumcised Philistine" - drawing attention to Israel's covenant


Goliath has "scale-like" armor Goliath is 6 cubits tall, 6 fingers (1 Chronicles), his spear head weighed 600 shekels

There are illusions to wickedness (666), and the serpent back in Genesis 3. David shows up a *type* for Jesus

Tribe of Benjamin in Judges 20

Benjamin mobilizes 700 well-trained sling-men (Judges 20:15).

Saul is from the tribe of Benjamin. Saul should have been the one facing Goliath with the sling.


"Golden-age" of Israel when David was king

David is concerned not with his own name but with keeping God's name holy

David cares about "restorative justice", not conquering.

Discussion videl

  1. What do we think of David as a person? The ark of his life - not just as a boy, or not just focusing on the sin with Bathsheba - keeping all in mind what do we think of David as the king after God's own heart?
  2. What does it mean to be a leader in the context of competing kingdoms (empire vs shalom)? What are tangible things we are doing or can do to demonstrate God's loving kindness to everyone?
