043 Go in Peace

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Personal โ€” Theology and Tech + General Stuff

43: Go in Peace

12th March 2022 at 6:34am

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  1. Prefix in Genesis 1-11
    1. We are invited to trust the story, trust that God is good
    2. People suck, people are afraid and we see a narrative of self-preservation throughout 1-11
  2. Introduction Genesis 12-50
    1. This family leans into believing that Yahweh is putting hte world back together
    2. They aren't perfect either but the hutz-pah present in that family is something God works with
  3. Empire vs Shalom
    1. How will God get Egypt out of his people?
    2. Marriage ceremony at Sinai after the Exodus
  4. Priesthood
    1. Leviticus and the Tabernacle given to the people
    2. Israel is to be a kingdom of priests
    3. We are right with God before we go anywhere
    4. Priests modeled to Israel how they were to bring the nations back to God
  5. Festivals
    1. Parties to remember that the story is good
  6. Desert Honeymoon
    1. In the wandering that follows the Exodus, which according to the marriage ceremony should be the honeymoon, the people of Israel learn what it means to follow Yahweh
  7. Conquest
    1. God puts his people in the middle of the action
    2. Redemption cycle in Judges puts God's mercy and patience on display
  8. Judges
    1. Book of Ruth demonstrates a love story between God and his people
    2. Boaz is acting like a priest how Leviticus says to
  9. Two stories
    1. Story A, new headlines, in Samuel and Kings
    2. Story B, reflection, in Chronicles
    3. The split between north (Israel) and south (Judah)

Story of Naaman

2 Kings 5

Naaman is a "great man". 'great' is ื’ึธึผื“ื•ึนืœ (gi-dol) related to the word for glory. glory, in the eastern mindset, isn't light/shining it is a personal feeling of weight. When Naaman walks into a room people feel it, you know when he arrive. However Naaman has leprocy.

Servant girl tells Naaman to talk to the man of God, but they go to the king first... Interesting note that this is an "unnamed king" of Isreal... it help put the story into perspective and who it's about. It's about Yahweh and Naaman.

Naaman is told by Elisha's servant to wash in the Jordan (a non-impressive river in the first place). Naaman is offended but his servant tells him to at least try it.

This experience converts Naaman to a Yahweh follower!

The dirt tells us that Naaman knows who to worship and he asks for forgiveness that it's impossible to do Torah where he lives, and Elisha says "go in peace" - He says to Naaman "I know where your loyalty lies, so go in peace"
