077 Silent Years - Herodians

Herodians show up twice in the Gospels, Josephus talks about them a bit as well. There is a lot of hsitorical debate that surrounds the Herodians.

Like Republicans and Democracts meant one thing in American history, but those positions and words mean something different today - the same is true in history, and with Herodians.

They were believed to be the political party, however formal, to be alligned with Kind Herod.

We are also, presently, very hellenistic and even herodian. We are into the luxury, we like convenience, we have entertainment/theaters. There's nothing wrong with luxury, entertainment, plumbing, wealth, etc... The Saducees misused Hellenism to their own detrement - they turned amoral Hellenism into a worldview that pushed Yahweh out of the center and put human and self into the center of the worldview

Herodians toed the line between reluctantly becoming hellenistic and corrupting their worship with hellenism

!!! warning I am (hopefully reluctantly) hellenistic as well...

Embracing hellenism is not black and white, it is amoral... To spend money on life, enjoy entertainment, decorate our homes, etc... can we appreciate luxuries without compromising on Yahweh worship?

timestamp: 21:45
