Nicholas Payne

Nicholas Payne

Just some guy

I've had Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-path' in my plugins for ever but didn't notice until recently that I wasn't getting any filepath completion in vim! Fuller setup instructions below the TLDR TL;DR Turns out I need to not be a dope and configure nvim-cmp to ... read more →

I just started using FastAPI for a home project and needed to pass back a dynamic number of values from a form rendered with jinja... Dynamic Values The jinja templating for rendering HTML based on something like a python iterable is nice and easy ... read more →

If you use vim-plug for managing your vim plugins, do yourself a favor and snapshot your plugins before upgrading! :PlugSnapshot creates a vim.snapshot file that you can use to restore your plugin versions with vim -S snapshot.vim The snapshot file ... read more →

TODO import os import boto3 import pytest from moto import mock_s3 MY_BUCKET = "bucket" # BAD PREFIX MY_PREFIX = "bucket/project/data/layer/dataset/" @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def aws_credentials(): &qu ... read more →