Nicholas Payne
Just some guy
In vim G clog % does a git clog {current file}. You get every commit that the target file is apart of (so there might be info in those commits unrelated) read more →
As I was cleaning up my NAS recently I noticed that I ran out of storage even though my disk usage looked pretty low... turns out I was keeping a mega-ton of ZFS snapshots and due to my own ignorance at the time didn't realize the storage cost of th ... read more →
From my daily driver Ubuntu machine I often open nautilus, dolphin, etc. and delete a file here or there on my NAS... turns out Ubuntu sends thse file to .Trash-100 ON THE NAS so I'm effectively just moving that file and not freeing up any space... ... read more →
I started my homelab journey being super naive about ZFS and how to manage the filesystem... that bit me in the butt when transfering a ton of files out of folders and into datasets because ZFS is copy on write so I was essentially duplicating my st ... read more →
:PlugSnapshot, :w ~/dotfiles/nvim/snapshot.vim... keep your config safe with git! read more →
I've had Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-path' in my plugins for ever but didn't notice until recently that I wasn't getting any filepath completion in vim! Fuller setup instructions below the TLDR TL;DR Turns out I need to not be a dope and configure nvim-cmp to ... read more →
I just started using FastAPI for a home project and needed to pass back a dynamic number of values from a form rendered with jinja... Dynamic Values The jinja templating for rendering HTML based on something like a python iterable is nice and easy ... read more →
I'm currently working on a self-hostable wish list app using FastAPI so we can finally drop Amazon forever. (The lists funcionality has been super handy for sharing holiday gift ideas with the famj!) FastAPI FastAPI is an amazing framework for quick ... read more →
If you use vim-plug for managing your vim plugins, do yourself a favor and snapshot your plugins before upgrading! :PlugSnapshot creates a vim.snapshot file that you can use to restore your plugin versions with vim -S snapshot.vim The snapshot file ... read more →
TODO import os import boto3 import pytest from moto import mock_s3 MY_BUCKET = "bucket" # BAD PREFIX MY_PREFIX = "bucket/project/data/layer/dataset/" @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def aws_credentials(): &qu ... read more →