Nicholas Payne

Nicholas Payne

Just some guy

I run pi-hole at home for ad blocking and some internal DNS/DHCP handling. pi hole posts on the way One thing I've never put too much thought in is asking "how well am I doing at blocking?" There's lots of ways to measure that depending on ... read more →

Traefik If you don't know about traefik and you need a reverse-proxy then you might want to check it out. I used to use nginx for my reverse proxy but the config was over my head, and once it was working I was afraid to touch it. Traefik brings a lo ... read more →

I wanted a quick way to generate an index.html for a directory of html files that grows by 1 or 2 files a week. I don't know any html (the files are exports from my tiddlywiki)... tree is just the answer. Say I have a file structure like this: ./htm ... read more →

I host a lot of services in my homelab, but they're mostly dockerized applications so I have never had to care much about how content gets served up. Today I had several little concepts click into place regarding webservers, and it was a similar exp ... read more →

Tiddly Wiki is a great note taking utility for organizing non-linear notes. I used it to replace my OneNote workflow and my only complaint is I don't have an easy way to access and edit my tiddlers (posts) if I'm not at home. The tiddlywiki is just ... read more →

On my team we often have to change data types of columns in a pandas.DataFrame for a variety of reasons. The main one is it tends to be an artifact of EDA whereby a file is read in via pandas but the data types are somewhat wonky (ie. dates show up ... read more →

Check out stow for a brief introduction to stow What if I want to stow a package somewhere else? Boom, that's where -t comes in... Maybe I don't like having my dotfiles repo at $HOME and instead I want it in ~/git or ~/personal just to stay organize ... read more →

After carefully staging only lines related to a specific change and comitting I suddenly realized I missed one... darn, what do I do? Old me would have soft reset my branch to the previous commit and redone all my careful staging... what a PIA... Ne ... read more →

I ran into an issue where I had some copy-pasta markdown tables in a docstring but the generator I used to make the table gave me tabs instead of spaces in odd places which caused black to throw a fit. Instead of manually changing all tabs to spaes, ... read more →

Stow is a great tool for managing dotfiles. My usage looks like cloning my dotfiles to my home directory, setting some environment variables via a script, then stowing relevant packages and boom my config is good to go... cd ~ git clone <my dotfi ... read more →