Nicholas Payne
Just some guy
Jet Brains has to be specified 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono' read more →
To customize k9s use the skins from catppuccin or the ones k9s supplies OUT="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/k9s/skins" mkdir -p "$OUT" curl -L https://github.com/catppuccin/k9s/archive/main.tar.gz | tar xz -C "$OUT" ... read more →
TL;DR I've been using kanboard as a self-hosted kanban board. It's keeping me focused on Digital Harbor when I'd rather be doing something less productive. My TODOs Here's the thing about my TODOs... they're everywhere. I've tried a crazy amount of ... read more →
I started deploying a website to Cloudflare on a branch called pages. Similar to one of the GH Pages deployment patterns. But when my CI was pushing the branch I couldn't see it locally... git fetch -a wasn't pulling any new branches, and git branch ... read more →
git config --add --local core.sshCommand 'ssh -i <<<PATH_TO_SSH_KEY>>>' read more →
Video Sermon on the Mount 3 chapters filled with phrases that are very well-known in our culture Phrases Love your neighbor as yourself Do to others what you would have them do to you You are the salt of the earth You can’t serve both God and money ... read more →
I moved a computer to a remote location for an off-site backup but when it was powered on it wouldn't show up on any networks. A solution that got me back in was a friend restarting the dhcp client for me: sudo dhclient -r -v <interface> & ... read more →
Dragons are metaphorical images in the Bible Goliath -> armor descriptions Leviathan Dragon slayers can be enticed to become dragons themselves Jesus is the great dragon slayer, who doesn't give in to the inticing power of the dragon calming the ... read more →
https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=8783.0 read more →
Exec in as www-data and run ./occ groupfolders:scan folder_id -v (the -v to see what it's doing) read more →