Nicholas Payne

Nicholas Payne

Just some guy

link Chara / Joy There are several words for similar feelings - example like joy has several synonyms. Sources Genesis tells us creation and life bring joy Psalm 104 - A good bottle of wine is God's gift to bring joy to people's hearts P#lm 65 - Bea ... read more →

Video Eden Biblical story begins in a garden, which is presented as a type of Temple. The top (center) is the Tree of Life, which represents God's life and creative power. Humans were supposed to eat from the Tree of Life but there's another tree, t ... read more →

link to presentation Hellenism During the "silent years" Hellenism was on the rise, even among several Jewish circles. Essenes Another Jewish group (like Pharisees, Herodians, etc.) with a lot of debate surrounding them. They were largely ... read more →