Destroying Tmux sessions with fzf
Sep 15, 2022 - ⧖ 2 minI use Tmux and Vim for most of my workflow, but I end up with a lot of dangling
tmux sessions that dont' really need to persist... but killing them one at a
time is a pain so I wrote a little script-kitty nonsense to pipe multiple
choices from fzf into tmux kill-session
I defined a little function in my .zshrc
destroy() {
tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}' | fzf -m | xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'echo "killing $0"; tmux kill-session -t "$0"; for arg;do echo "killing $arg";tmux kill-session -t "$arg"; done'
bindkey -s '^d' 'destroy \n'
tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}'
prints all my active tmux sessions to the console with the format of just their name main ×1 via v3.8.11( on (us-east-1) proxy
❯ tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}'
Pipe that to fzf -m
to allow multiple choices to be made using tab
Then the nasty bit in xargs
... I echo killing @0
and killing $arg
because the sh -c
passes the first tmux session name to @0
(it's just what bash does) and then the rest get handled in the for loop.
Basically then I get an fzf list to choose multiple tmux sessions to destroy to clean up some RAM!