How To Survive The Flood

There a lot of flood stories throughout the history of the world, and the Bible is no different in this regard. God warns Noah of a de-creation event, whereby he'll start over with humanity via Noah and his family. Noah survives the flood by abiding in Yahweh and staying close to the One who loves him.

Note this reflection doesn't address AT ALL if the flood narrative is a "real" historical event, whether it's a global or local event, or anything like that - regardless of those points the Biblical authors used this type of imagery of chaos waters to communicate themes of judgement and wrath.

Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount with the 2 houses, calls back to the images of the chaos waters (the winds and the rains). His instruction is that the wise man who built his house on the rock will survive, but the foolish man builds his house on the sand and the winds and the rains destroyed it.

Somewhat obviously this is metaphorical for basing your life on wisdom or folly. The wisdom is Jesus' teaching which is all based on Yahweh's love for humanity and his desire to partner with humanity for the good of the whole earth.

The simple take-away is for us to survive the winds and the rain, and to say it more fully - to survive de-creation and destruction, we must live our lives in a way that revolves around Jesus, the perfect human. He calls us to a greater humanity, an unbroken humanity, which is unachievable apart from him (just look around if you doubt this truth).

It's important to notice though that abiding in the Lord, basing your life on the rock, doesn't spare you from the wind and the rain. Trials come, life gets hard, shit hits the fan. The last few weeks for me haven't been my favorite and I've certainly experienced turmoil in my life but frankly Jesus makes those things bearable... in a way I can't put enough words to I'll just be reminded of Paul in Romans 8...

worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Our present
trials are not on an equal scale with the glory of heaven ```

By God's grace he's molded my heart to be nearly incapable of separating the
Love God has for me from any trial I face - it's not a magic answer or silver
bullet to fixing those problems, and it doesn't make them go away, but I know
the sufferings here aren't even worth comparing to the glory of the Lord. Amen.

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