ssh-copy-id -i <hostname probably from tailscale> this makes sure I can run ansible from my desktop against VMs on my server easily if they have tailscale for the hostname - otherwise use the IP read more → read more →
I have a bash script called syncoid-job which boils down to a barebones - #!/bin/bash syncoid --no-sync-snap --sendoptions=w --no-privilege-elevation $SYNOIC_USER@$SERVER:tank/encrypted/nas tank/encrypted/nas I want to run this script hourly but a ... read more →
in /lib/systemd/system/docker.service there is an ExecStart command that got placed there when I setup Docker with Ansible - it threw the -H flag which told the daemon what hosts to setup. But I added the "hosts" key in my daemon.json and ... read more →
I regularly need to edit system config files - take /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf as an example... I'll want to play with something but if I don't start Neovim as root then I get in trouble making edits I can't save! So suda.vim gives me :SudaWrite which ... read more →
I'm playing with my ansible playbook in a remote tmux session, and I'm no wiz so I don't know the ins and outs, but I can't scroll up to get any console log output that's not already visible on my screen. So I'm starting to end my commands with | l ... read more →
AJAX wasn't cutting it, traditional crontab in containers doesn't make much sense to me, webcron is recommended but I don't want to register with anything outside my LAN... Turns out you can just spin up an identical container with a different entry ... read more →
Logging instead of printing I am trying to adopt logger.debug instead of print but ran into a confusing thing in ipython during Advent of Code... I riddled by script with logger.debug (yes after setting logging.setLevel('DEBUG')) but in ipython none ... read more →
I wanted to break down some long lines in a Markdown table cell to make it look nicer on my blog but \n didn't do anything for me... turns out is the magic sauce Column 1 Column 2 Key Doggo ipsum many pats. Borkdrive borking doggo doing me a ... read more →
Switching to Vim opened a whole new world to me for interacting with a computer and for getting things done. Before I adopted Vim I used GUIs for everything because I thought that's how it had to be done... Notes in OneNote, code using a GUI editor, ... read more →