mkdir s{1..10} will make directories s1, s2, ... s10 in one command! read more →
Class link Classroom notes (Must be on home network) 01 The Shape of the Hebrew Bible Session 1: What on Earth is the Hebrew Bible? This class is not so much a survey of the HB, it is Tim's attempt to distil the most helpful things for understanding ... read more →
/mysearch\c will match mysearch, MYSEARCH, mYSeArCh... read more →
Link Notes !!! Exodusds 34:6 Compassioante and gracious, slow to anger, overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness Faithfulness - Emet (can be translated 'Truth') Related to "Amen" which is untranslated Hebrew expression meaning "t ... read more →
zfs list has a flag -r, but if you use zfs driver for docker then you'll get flooded with every docker volume in the world. zfs list -r -d N will limit the dept of the print out, so zfs list -r -d 2 gives me tank, tank/encrypted, tank/encrypted/dock ... read more →
If you think glepnir/lspsaga.nvim config will work with tali5/lspsaga.nvim installed... you're in for a rude awakening. Double check your forks folks! read more →
Link to study Creation Brougt to completion on the seventh day in Genesis 1. It is the only day that does not end with 'there evening and there was morning, the Nth day' Humans were meant to rest with God in his creation forever, but in their reblli ... read more →
I learned you can embed gifs and stuch in things other than GH personal pages! So here I'll keep ones I like and might use later via GIPHY read more →
Bought some DDR4-3600 speed RAM but only seeing 2666? Load up the BIOS, find DRAM config or something similar, and make sure to load the XMP profile to get that advertised RAM speed! read more →
!!! note "Babyblue v2" Ryzen 5700x + 32 GB 3200 CL16 RAM <a href=""><img src="" al ... read more →