Reflection - Wisdom in Relationships

This morning I finally felt some motivation for a short Bible Project video. The app is great (💯 would recommend) and gives me daily reminders that are unobtrusive.

The passage is Matthew 7:1-2

Do not judge so tha tyou will not be judged. Because with the judgement that you judge, you will be judged.

And with the measure that you measure, it will be measured to you.

There are some personal things going on for me as I wrestle and work through an AuDHD diagnosis and there's a lot for me having grown up as a (almost certainly) undiagnosed mild-autistic. These 2 verses are in a larger section of Scripture called "The Sermon on the Mount", Jesus starts it by basically saying he'll summarize the Law and Prophets in Matthew 5, then concludes it in Matthew 7 by saying he summed them up with what we call the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you is how my Souther Baptist Grandma used to say it.

I've grown up into knowing it's simply silly to expect non-Christians to live Biblically - I do not understand the judgement some Christians throw at non-believers for things like cohabitation or getting drunk... It's literally what I would do without Jesus guiding my lie. However I've always felt a pretty unreasonable responsibility to point out where Christians are living by double standards. Jesus addresses this with another commonly known question - "Why do you take the spec our of your brother's eye but ignore the log in your own eye?". I'm very personally aware, almost to a hyper degree, but I definitely don't have perfect-awaremenss, and I don't know if I'm losing zeal as I get older or actually growing into wisdom but I am sliding more and more into a position of just not worrying about what other people are doing. As long as my family is safe I'm basically a full-blown libertarian when it comes to people living their lives.

The BP message this morning was just great confirmation that this is directionally correct, at least right now for me. I spent a lot of time as a kid worrying about other Christians living appropriately (this was partly driven by needing older Christians to help me live appropriately and so I felt responsiblity to help provide that environment for myself... combination of God's grace and undiagnosed AuDHD methinks). Now as an adult I spend most of my time thanking Jesus for saving me from myself and I simply trust that he will save who he saves. Because that's not up to me I can focus on what I can manage - my own life and family.