Jet Brains has to be specified 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono' read more →
I moved a computer to a remote location for an off-site backup but when it was powered on it wouldn't show up on any networks. A solution that got me back in was a friend restarting the dhcp client for me: sudo dhclient -r -v <interface> & ... read more →
Exec in as www-data and run ./occ groupfolders:scan folder_id -v (the -v to see what it's doing) read more →
I've been using paperless-ngx to manage all my documents, but every once in a while I'll get a .docx file to deal with... Turns out Libreoffice has a headless mode a pdf converter built-in! libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf /path/to/file.docx ... read more →
I was introduced to tiling window managers through i3, which I use heavily on one of my machines. I have switched to Pop_OS! at home though, which has a tiling window mode but the keybindings are not what I'm used to for i3. I wanted to at least nav ... read more →
I was introduced to tiling window managers through i3, which I use heavily on one of my machines. I have switched to Pop_OS! at home though, which has a tiling window mode but the keybindings are not what I'm used to for i3. I wanted to at least nav ... read more →
I was getting (publickey denied) when trying to push to GH using ssh. When I tested the connection I saw that a bunch of keys in ``~/.ssh/ were being attempted ✗ ssh [email protected] -vv ... debug1: Will attempt key: /home/nic/.ssh/id_rsa debug1: W ... read more →
ssh-copy-id -i <hostname probably from tailscale> this makes sure I can run ansible from my desktop against VMs on my server easily if they have tailscale for the hostname - otherwise use the IP read more → read more →
in /lib/systemd/system/docker.service there is an ExecStart command that got placed there when I setup Docker with Ansible - it threw the -H flag which told the daemon what hosts to setup. But I added the "hosts" key in my daemon.json and ... read more →