Posts tagged with 'linux' - 5

My moonlander is great, and I just recently added CAPS LOCK back to my keymapping but I've moved it... At present it is where the ESC kep usually is however I'm trying to match my general moonlander usage with a keymap that fits on a planck. Because ... read more →

I have a specific need for counting the number of lines in a file quickly. At work we use S3 for data storage during our Kedro pipeline development, and in the development process we may end up orphaning several datasets. In order to keep our worksp ... read more →

polybar is an awesome and super customizable status bar for your desktop environment. I use it with i3-gaps on Ubuntu for work and it makes my day just that much better to have a clean and elegant bar with the things in it that I care about. The Git ... read more →

If you spend time in the terminal then you'll want it to look somewhat pleasing to the eye. I used to ssh into servers with no customization, use vi to edit a file or two, then get back to my regularly scheduled programming in VS C**e... One of the ... read more →

I wanted a quick way to generate an index.html for a directory of html files that grows by 1 or 2 files a week. I don't know any html (the files are exports from my tiddlywiki)... tree is just the answer. Say I have a file structure like this: ./htm ... read more →

Check out stow for a brief introduction to stow What if I want to stow a package somewhere else? Boom, that's where -t comes in... Maybe I don't like having my dotfiles repo at $HOME and instead I want it in ~/git or ~/personal just to stay organize ... read more →