Posts tagged with 'python' - 4

Being lazy I almost exclusively use Python for my job and have been eye-balls deep in it for almost 5 years but I really lack in-depth knowledge of builtins. I recently learned of an awesome builtin called calendar that has way more than I know abo ... read more →

I am personally trying to use logger instead of print in all of my code, however I learned from [@Python-Hub] that you can align printouts using print with f-strings!. This little python script shows how options in the f-string can format the printo ... read more →

I have often wanted to dive into memory usage for pandas DataFrames when it comes to cloud deployment. If I have a python process running on a server at home I can use glances or a number of other tools to diagnose a memory issue... However at work ... read more →

On my team we often have to change data types of columns in a pandas.DataFrame for a variety of reasons. The main one is it tends to be an artifact of EDA whereby a file is read in via pandas but the data types are somewhat wonky (ie. dates show up ... read more →