See 02-....yaml in ansible-nas read more →
I am revamping my home server and bumped myself early up to Jammy Jellyfish... however to my peril I reused my netplan config and after hitting my server with the 'ol netplan apply I lost connection... DNS still seemed to kinda work externally, but ... read more →
Setup admin External Storage extension Add my nas zfs dataset chown -R www-data:www-data on anything nextcloud uploads to. read more →
I have list [True, False, False, True] and another list [1, 2, 3, 4] and a use case where I want to filter list 2 based on list 1 to remove values that line up with the element False in list 1.... so the outcome will be [1, 4]. list(compress(list2, ... read more →
TL;DR As the nextcloud docs say... if you want to write to an external volume that location has to be writeable by the user/group www-data on the host system... so if that makes sense to you then this TIL probably isn't a ton of value.. if not howev ... read more →
In vim G clog % does a git clog {current file}. You get every commit that the target file is apart of (so there might be info in those commits unrelated) read more →
As I was cleaning up my NAS recently I noticed that I ran out of storage even though my disk usage looked pretty low... turns out I was keeping a mega-ton of ZFS snapshots and due to my own ignorance at the time didn't realize the storage cost of th ... read more →
From my daily driver Ubuntu machine I often open nautilus, dolphin, etc. and delete a file here or there on my NAS... turns out Ubuntu sends thse file to .Trash-100 ON THE NAS so I'm effectively just moving that file and not freeing up any space... ... read more →
I started my homelab journey being super naive about ZFS and how to manage the filesystem... that bit me in the butt when transfering a ton of files out of folders and into datasets because ZFS is copy on write so I was essentially duplicating my st ... read more →
:PlugSnapshot, :w ~/dotfiles/nvim/snapshot.vim... keep your config safe with git! read more →