

If you don't know about traefik and you need a reverse-proxy then you might want to check it out. I used to use nginx for my reverse proxy but the config was over my head, and once it was working I was afraid to touch it. Traefik brings a lot to the table, my main uses are reverse proxy and ip whitelisting, but it's doing even more under the hood that I don't have a full-grasp of yet.

I like Traefik a lot because once I get some basic config up it's incredibly easy to add services into my homelab whether they run on my primary server or not. This will not be exhaustive but I'll outline my simple setup process of traefik and how I add services whether they are in docker or not.


In 2022 I'm still a docker fan-boy and I run my traefik instance in a docker container. This isn't necessary but I love the portability since my homelab is very dynamic at the moment. And even if it wasn't I'd still want to keep traefik in docker because deployment and updating are just so flipping easy

A simple docker-compose file for traefik might look like this:

name: traefik
image: "traefik:v2.4"
network_mode: host
  - "docker-data/traefik/traefik.toml:/etc/traefik/traefik.toml:ro"
  - "docker-data/traefik/config.yml:/etc/traefik/config.yml:ro"
  - "docker-data/traefik/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt:rw"
  - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"  # for auto-discovery
env: ""
restart_policy: unless-stopped
memory: "1g"

Ansible deployment

I plan to have more on my homelab and Ansible on this site eventually...

I use Ansible to deploy most of my services at home, including traefik. My main homelab repo is here which is a fork of Ansible NAS.

If you want my stuff then be sure to go to the user/nic branch on my fork

You can see the ansible stuff for traefik here


I use a traefik.toml as the main config and it looks something like this. With ansible a lot of this is done through template variables but this is the general idea. This config tells traefik what ports to listen and forward on, and gives the names to be referenced by docker labels (down below).

Traefik also has a handy web ui that with this config you can find on port 8080. There is a providers section - which is one of the biggest selling points of traefik for me. I have a docker provider configured and a static file.

The docker provider lets traefik auto-discover new services that I deploy and automatically handle the routing! The static file lets me easily add non-dockerized service routing, or routing to dockerized services on another host (I think traefik has an easier way to do this automatically but I don't do it often enough to need that kind of automation). Then at the bottom is the SSL cert stuff. Using Let's Encrypt is pretty easy and I use Cloudflare as my DNS provider

address = ":80"

to = "websecure"

address = ":443"

certResolver = "letsencrypt"

main = ""
sans = [

address = ":8080"

providersThrottleDuration = "1s"
exposedbydefault = false
filename = "/etc/traefik/config.yml"

insecure = true
dashboard = true

level = "INFO"

terminatingStatusCode = 0

email = "[email protected]"
storage = "/letsencrypt/acme.json"
caserver = ""  # le staging, not prod

provider = "cloudflare"


To my knowledge there isn't much to configure on the docker provider side of things until you deploy a service. But the provider config file should get a little screen time here.

The file defines a traefik http router for each service you define, in this case just pihole.

Here I am adding my pihole instance which is not run inside docker but is inside a VM on another host. I want the entryPoints to be set to websecure which is configured above in the http redirects. I want some middlewares, addprefix-pihole and default-headers, which I'll explain below. I set letsencrypt as the cert certResolver. Finally I name the service pihole.

Then in the services section I configure where pihole is located by just giving the internal IP for traefik to route to. Finally I define my middlewares. To get to the pihole homepage you need to use the route /admin so I want that added automatically when I go to so I come to And I wanted to restrict access to just my internal network and my wireguard network - this is done with the default-whitelist. The last thing is to configure a chain of middlewares that I called secured which is just easier for the docker labels later on.

With this config in play though, traefik will know about the route and handle the ip whitelisting and load balancing for me.

 #region routers 
        - "websecure"
      rule: "Host(``)"
        # - default-headers
        - addprefix-pihole
        - default-whitelist
        certResolver: letsencrypt
      service: pihole
  #region services
          - url: ""
        passHostHeader: true
        prefix: "/admin"
        scheme: https

        frameDeny: true
        sslRedirect: true
        browserXssFilter: true
        contentTypeNosniff: true
        forceSTSHeader: true
        stsIncludeSubdomains: true
        stsPreload: true
        stsSeconds: 15552000
        customFrameOptionsValue: SAMEORIGIN

        - ""  # wg
        - ""  # lan
        - ""  # docker

        - default-whitelist
        - default-headers

Docker labels

Now the real magic is with Docker. Here is an example docker-compose file for spinning up a jellyfin server that you want to expose to the world, or at least access at home with instead of http://192.168.1.N:8096...

I left some of the ansible variable stuff in here, but the main part to be concerned with is the labels section...

We define just a few labels to throw onto this docker container which let's traefik discover it automatically and apply any settings necessary (like my ipWhiteList).

name: jellyfin
image: linuxserver/jellyfin
  - ":/config:rw"
  - ":/movies:"
  - ":/music:"
  - ":/photos:"
  - ":/tv:"
  - ":/books:"
  - ":/audiobooks:"
  - ":8096"
  - ":8920"
  TZ: ""
  PUID: ""
  PGID: ""
restart_policy: unless-stopped
memory: 1g
  traefik.enable: ""
  traefik.http.routers.jellyfin.rule: "Host(`jellyfin.`)"
  traefik.http.routers.jellyfin.tls.certresolver: "letsencrypt"[0].main: ""[0].sans: "*." "8096"

And just like that traefik will automagically find your jellyfin container and route to it!