Nicholas Payne

Nicholas Payne

Just some guy

VPN Virtual Private Networks are a big deal, and this shouldn't be considered anything even close to a guide on using them. Here are just my notes and some setup for how I use wireguard at home. Wireguard Wireguard is an awesome peer-to-peer VPN tun ... read more →

Git Hopefully if you write code you are using git, if not go learn the basics of commit, pull, push, and pull request/merge request like... right now. Assuming you are at least familiar with git then you probably work the same way I have since I've ... read more →

ABCMeta I don't do a lot of OOP currently, but I have been on a few heavy OOP projects and this ABCMeta and abstractmethod from abc would've been super nice to know about! If you are creating a library with classes that you expect your users to exte ... read more →

Being lazy I almost exclusively use Python for my job and have been eye-balls deep in it for almost 5 years but I really lack in-depth knowledge of builtins. I recently learned of an awesome builtin called calendar that has way more than I know abo ... read more →

I am personally trying to use logger instead of print in all of my code, however I learned from [@Python-Hub] that you can align printouts using print with f-strings!. This little python script shows how options in the f-string can format the printo ... read more →

I run pi-hole at home for ad blocking and some internal DNS/DHCP handling. pi hole posts on the way One thing I've never put too much thought in is asking "how well am I doing at blocking?" There's lots of ways to measure that depending on ... read more →

I have often wanted to dive into memory usage for pandas DataFrames when it comes to cloud deployment. If I have a python process running on a server at home I can use glances or a number of other tools to diagnose a memory issue... However at work ... read more →

I host a lot of services in my homelab, but they're mostly dockerized applications so I have never had to care much about how content gets served up. Today I had several little concepts click into place regarding webservers, and it was a similar exp ... read more →

I wanted a quick way to generate an index.html for a directory of html files that grows by 1 or 2 files a week. I don't know any html (the files are exports from my tiddlywiki)... tree is just the answer. Say I have a file structure like this: ./htm ... read more →

Traefik If you don't know about traefik and you need a reverse-proxy then you might want to check it out. I used to use nginx for my reverse proxy but the config was over my head, and once it was working I was afraid to touch it. Traefik brings a lo ... read more →