zfs list has a flag -r, but if you use zfs driver for docker then you'll get flooded with every docker volume in the world. zfs list -r -d N will limit the dept of the print out, so zfs list -r -d 2 gives me tank, tank/encrypted, tank/encrypted/dock ... read more →
If you think glepnir/lspsaga.nvim config will work with tali5/lspsaga.nvim installed... you're in for a rude awakening. Double check your forks folks! read more →
ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa nic@hogwarts THen we can look at print outs cat /var/log/auth.log also showed me that I had too wide permissions on files in ~/.ssh -> probably changed from an rsync job read more →
sudo dmidecode -s bios-version read more →
I use Tmux and Vim for most of my workflow, but I end up with a lot of dangling tmux sessions that dont' really need to persist... but killing them one at a time is a pain so I wrote a little script-kitty nonsense to pipe multiple choices from fzf i ... read more →
TODO: change title - add --listen or --host or something as that way it listens not on localhost or, but on all addresses! read more →
man can be a pain to read... and there's lots of alternatives out there and one I've just started playing with is cheat man man will give you this plus a billion more lines of docs, which is useful when you need it... MAN(1) ... read more →
I got into a pickle where I encrypted the ssh keys I use for my SSH connections on LAN, but then I couldn't run my ansible playbook on my server! ssh-keygen -p and leave the new passphrase blank saved my day (although password protected key files ar ... read more →
[email protected] [email protected] #! /bin/bash # pick multiple emails from list and combine into comma seperated array emails=`cat .../emails | fzf -m | sed 's/^\|$/"/g'|paste -sd,` echo $emails read more →
In vim G clog % does a git clog {current file}. You get every commit that the target file is apart of (so there might be info in those commits unrelated) read more →