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polybar is an awesome and super customizable status bar for your desktop environment. I use it with i3-gaps on Ubuntu for work and it makes my day just that much better to have a clean and elegant bar with the things in it that I care about. The Git ... read more →

I am working on a project to create a small system monitoring dashboard using the python psutil library. The repo is here (if you want actual system monitoring please use netdata). I'm using streamlit and plotly for the webserver, design, and plotti ... read more →

Streamlit I use streamlit for any EDA I ever have to do at work. It's super easy to spin up a small dashboard to filter and view dataframes in, live, without the fallbacks of Jupyter notebooks (kernels dying, memory bloat, a billion "Untitled N ... read more →

If you spend time in the terminal then you'll want it to look somewhat pleasing to the eye. I used to ssh into servers with no customization, use vi to edit a file or two, then get back to my regularly scheduled programming in VS C**e... One of the ... read more →

Self-hosting 1 or several media servers is another common homelab use-case. Getting content for your media servers is up to you, but I'll show a few ways here to get content somewhat easily! YouTube Disclaimer at Bottom you-get you-get is a nice cli ... read more →

EDA I work with data a lot, but the nature of my job isn't to dive super deep into a small amount of datasets, I'm often jumping between several projects every day and need to just get a super quick glance at some tables to get a high level view. Wh ... read more →

NAS One of the most common use cases for self-hosting anything is a file share system. I have been a fan of TrueNAS for a while. I currently use TrueNAS Core at home, and plan to consider transitioning to TrueNAS Scale soon. Blog post forthcoming on ... read more →

I like to keep my workspace clean and one thing that I don't personally love looking at is the __pycache__ directory that pops up after running some code. The *.pyc files that show up there are python bytecode and they are cached to make subsequent ... read more →

Mike Driscoll has been posting some awesome posts about psutil lately. I'm interested in making my own system monitoring dashboard now using this library. I don't expect it to compete with Netdata or Glances but it'll just be for fun to see how Pyth ... read more →


If you work with a template for several projects then you might sometimes need to do the same action across all repos. A good example of this is updating a package in requirements.txt in every project, or refactoring a common module. If you have sev ... read more →