Bought some DDR4-3600 speed RAM but only seeing 2666? Load up the BIOS, find DRAM config or something similar, and make sure to load the XMP profile to get that advertised RAM speed! read more →
!!! note "Babyblue v2" Ryzen 5700x + 32 GB 3200 CL16 RAM <a href=""><img src="" al ... read more →
ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa nic@hogwarts THen we can look at print outs cat /var/log/auth.log also showed me that I had too wide permissions on files in ~/.ssh -> probably changed from an rsync job read more →
Assuming you have a pool called tank... And assuming you have an encrypted dataset (See Jim Saltar's short intro) Create a group for permissions - in my case I have one called home Then if there's anything in /tank/encrypted his it with chgrp -R ho ... read more →
sudo dmidecode -s bios-version read more →
I use Tmux and Vim for most of my workflow, but I end up with a lot of dangling tmux sessions that dont' really need to persist... but killing them one at a time is a pain so I wrote a little script-kitty nonsense to pipe multiple choices from fzf i ... read more →
TODO: change title - add --listen or --host or something as that way it listens not on localhost or, but on all addresses! read more → Install For ubuntu/debian based distros (which is what I primarly use presently) sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install smartmontools -y List hard drives lsblk | grep disk is one way or su ... read more →
Intro I use ZFS at home in my homelab for basically all of my storage... Docker uses ZFS backend, all my VMs have their .qcow2 images in their own zfs datasets, and all my shares are ZFS datasets. I love ZFS but my home hardware presently is the opp ... read more →
import this; print(this); print("what is taking so long black!!") read more →